
I have done extensive research for past decade and consumed lots of knowledge on the subject of this page which can be nowadays easily found on youtube as well as via channeling psychic mediums. I wanted to have one page dedicated on internet for any truth seeker, so you don’t have to spend a decade consuming tons of knowledge, when only 100 grams of that is useful and is repeated over and over again, with different human perspectives and filters.  I will try to answer following here, without adding our own human mind filters.

  1. What is God?
  2. Who am I?  Why am I here?
  3. Who are earthly GODs? or Christ, Buddha, Rama, Krishna etc?
  4. What is the Purpose of life?
  5. What/who is a Medium? What/who is a Channeller? What/who is a trans-channeller?
  6. Is there ET life outside earth on other planets?
  7. Views on soulmates, karmic partners, twin souls and twin flames
  8. Views on parallel universes and multiple dimensions
  9. Links to few relevant books, reputed quora authors and divine wisdom videos.
  10. FAQs with answers from renowned sources of spiritual info based on channeled wisdom from spirit world.

1. What is God?

Easiest Answer: GOD is Just Conscious Energy with primary two aspects of Love and Creative and creates creation using LIGHT energy. Every physical thing you see around is frozen light. Light energy went down to so much low vibration that it solidify itself (like steam to ice) and created many physical things on every planet. We are all fragments of conscious GOD energy but, in this physical human life, operating at a very low level of awareness/vibration.

Long Answer: God is a concept which truly is difficult to explain to a human mind and most wise sages and soul guides will say that it can be best understood by experiencing it. However, we will still try to explain our best in words. At the beginning, there was just consciousness in sleep form. Many spirit guides refer to that as the ONE. Consciousness can be best described as Energy which is Self Aware. Soul (Atma) and Super Soul (param-atma) aka GOD aka Source Aka “All that is.” Aka “I am”  Aka “Universal Consciousness” – was also at some time just a calm resting ocean of energy without a thought. Then a thought arised in the Ocean of energy “Who am I?”. That thoughtful/self aware part of that ocean of energy decided to experience itself by creating a creation of things to experience what it is not to understand what it is. It could only experience itself as “Love”. However to understand, what is love, it as a “creative being” started creating physical and non-physical universes (and realms) and started sending fragments of it (drops from that self aware ocean) known as “souls” to inhabit those universes and experience creation and concepts as compassion, hate, forgiveness, oneness etc  to increase experience all facets of “unconditional love” . Hence everything in creation is made by GOD energy and is connected with GOD. This is also explained as “All that is” and “Oneness”. Everything on planet earth including rocks, air, water, living organisms, birds, animals, trees, human have soul energy in them at various level of consciousness which in spiritual language measured as level of vibrations of that soul energy. Human beings are top of that chain on Planet earth but various ETs are even more closer to the source in vibration level than human beings.

Channeling ERIK – What is GOD, Talk To GOD Videos

1.1 Q: Is God a He or She?

Ans: None. God and every soul which is fragment of GOD is neither he or she. Soul takes avatars aka human and animal forms on earth usually divided into two genders. But there are planets out there with even upto 6 genders.  Earth versions of GOD are just a projection of Human Persona (Human Ego based personification). Its a bit easy to talk to or pray to a human face than to empty sky. Its just a psychological thing.

1.2 Q: If God is merciful and kind then how come HE allows suffering, personal pain and mass tragedies?

Ans: GOD created a beautiful system of spirit world and universe and planets like Earth. Even earth has a soul usually known as GAIA. We souls are fractions of GOD so can be considered as Aspects or expressions if God. We created a theatre play on earth school where to learn about compassion someone has to act cruel. So to participate in these plays with an objective of graduating from this earth school, we sould make soul contracts with each other in spirit world about the script of the play. GOD doesn’t interfere with that. Whatever happens on earth is 80% pre agreed in spirit world as soul contracts and 20% random free will to bring many possible outcomes of every situation and to learn from all those possibilities of interactions and emotions. When soul makes those soul plans before incarnting on earth, every soul gets help from spirit guides (graduated from earth souls), soul’s higherself (avatar of soul), council of elders, wise beings of light, Ascended Masters, Angels and Sr Angels.  When we pray to GOD on earth or are in very difficult situation, then we sometimes do get help from spirit guides or angels, if that help will help us with our soul plan. You can’t avert a tragedy, if you only signed up for it as part of your soul plan. To understand why a soul would signup for suffering please read or listen to any of the following books from Author Robert Schwartz “Your Soul’s Plan” , “Your Soul’s Gift“, “Your Soul’s Love” or “Wisdom of Souls” from Dr Newton Institute. Same Dr Newton who wrote two very awesome books “Journey of souls” and “Destiny of souls“.

2. Who am I? 3.Why am I here?

Ans: You and I and others are just expression of that universal consciousness and are known as SOULs. You are not your body. GOD is experiencing all this life via us and is expanding in consciousness and wisdom. The persona you have in this birth is just one of 100s or 1000s of different personas you will have taken before graduating from earth. Any persona you like or hate, you will get another opportunity to exprience that kind of life. Meaning you can choose to be born as rich, poor, christian, muslim, beautiful, disabled, gay etc. You normally don’t take same rich or happily every after births as that kind of gets boring like a movie with same story replayed again and again. You are a soul having a physical experience in Earth School to graduate from it after 1000s of births when you have gained enough experience = wisdom and understood unconditional love. You & I, choose to come to earth school to learn on our own free will. No one can force you to take birth, as all souls are equal expressions of GOD. We are all (in a way) GODs (but not as wise and powerful as Collective “GOD”. When you have learned enough, your spirit guides will call you graduated from earth and will give you training to become spirit guides yourself. Not having born on earth again is also referred to as Moksha/Mukti but that is not same as attainment of GOD which actually means, crossing all those graduation levels in spirit world, beyond earth, and finally be able to vibrate so much like GOD energy that you can merge with GOD energy but can keep your individual personality. Hence you can also refer to GOD energy as a “Souls Collective Energy” and Earth as “human collective“. When we plan our life in spirit world, then that plan becomes our destiny on earth which controls 80% of what major events, lessons and emotions we encounter in our life on earth. During execution of plan we do “give and takes” from fellow actors which go into an account system called “karma”. Most of our close family and friends come from our soul group in spirit world.

2.1 Q: What happens, when I transition from Earth to Spirit World?

Ans: Based on majority of NDE experiences and “past life regressions” and “life between life regressions” – at the time of your physical death (soul is eternal) your soul will normally be pulled towards light which will take you to entry points of spirit world where usually your recently transitioned loved ones’ souls will greet you. Your spirit guides will greet you. Your soul might need some healing and rest. When you are ready you will go through life review where you will experience your life and emotions of every life event again including emotions of other souls you interacted with in a good or bad way. You will judge your own performance (no one will judge you) based on your soul plan, that you learned what you planned to learn properly or need to take another similar birth again. For more info read this from one of our most fav top 5 authors on this subject on Quora platform “Irina Nola“. What happens during the life review that spirits go through immediately after leaving their earthly bodies?

3 Q: Who are earthly GODs? or Christ, Buddha, Rama, Krishna etc?

Short Ans: They are ascended master souls who decided to come to Earth at a particular period in timeline of earth, to spread Love, Light and Wisdom of GOD aka universal consciousness. But important point to note, as shared in an interview with GOD’s energy video below, that its not recommended to bow to another soul or worship another soul as someone greater than you. All souls are equal and equally loved by GOD. Some are just more evolved than others but eventually all souls will reach that evolution stage. Some are closer to the source than others, but still equal in eyes of GOD. You shouldn’t offer power on you, or obedience kind of worship to any other soul. Just silence your mind, meditate and connect with GOD inside and you will yourself feel and KNOW FOR TRUTH – that you are also GOD Like and equal in eyes of GOD.

Long Ans: Any soul which came to planet earth or is anywhere in universe in any form, is just like a fragment of GOD, just like you and me. There are ascended master souls who had or still having normal human births to experience what they didn’t get to experience in that one GRAND life (proofs are channeling sessions done direct with them, search on youtube “channeling erik” along with name of Ascended Master from whom you want to hear from spirit world). When you and me are closer to graduation from earth school or have already graduated long ago and have become “Ascended Masters“, then after crossing few more spirit realms of education – anyone of us can decide to come to Earth to spread Love, Light and Wisdom of GOD. Depending on the Soul plan of that birth, their message can touch and affect masses, as part of a grand life drama, or can touch and affect a local community. To be born as Christ or Hitler, both are tough decisions as such roles demand lots of courage and maturity from the actor souls.

4. What is the Purpose of life?

Ans: In simple words your soul plan is your purpose of life.  It can be small lessons like learning compassion, self love, forgiveness etc as part of events and emotions of a normal human life and it can be community service like being a doctor, scientist, teacher, musician etc. It can also be politician and other bad roles so that you can provide experience for others to gain from or affect masses to bring awareness and improvement in bigger numbers. To understand what is a soul plan, please contact any reputable medium/channeler who can connect you with your 1) higherself or 2) spirit guides or 3)council of elders or 4) Akashic Records.  In our FAQ/Help section we will soon provide a list of Mediums/Channelers we found credible.  Or you can start your own research via these two reputed youtube channels

  1. https://www.youtube.com/@NextLevelSoul
  2. https://www.youtube.com/@ChannelingErikOfficial

Note: Typically a very sad tragedy like 1) death of a loved one or 2) self accident leading to losing a limb or 3) heart break from a soulmate category soul or 4) near death experiences etc will force you to find out answers to questions like “Who am I?” and “Why I am here” etc. And then some day you will also realise that, that tragedy, you planned it yourself in pre-incarnation planning, to move your life in direction of more self awarenss and spirituality.

5. What/who is a Medium? What/who is a Channeller? What/who is a Trans-channeller?

Ans: A medium is whose mental energy vibrations can be tuned at that level where it can receive direct communication from spirits in spirit world. Communication can be in form of thoughts, messages, words, images etc. Typically a medum is contacted by curious family members to connect with recently departed loved one – to find emotional closure. Many mediums can also channel information from higher beings and council of elders etc, not just from your loved ones. As a channeller, they speak the message verbatim (word by word) as transmitted from the spiritual being without appying their own filters and human understandings. A trans-chaneller is someone who allows his/her body to be taken over by (aka walk-in) by a higher spiritual being and the vocal words are direct from that channeled being. Sometimes this leads to change in facial gestures, voice and postures etc. At the end of session, the guest soul leaves the body. Trans-channels sometimes can remember what all is said and sometimes not. In our FAQ/Help section we will soon provide a list of Mediums/Channelers we found credible.  Or you can start your own research via these two reputed youtube channels

  1. https://www.youtube.com/@NextLevelSoul
  2. https://www.youtube.com/@ChannelingErikOfficial


6. Is there ET life outside earth on other planets?

Ans: Yes, ofcourse it is. Thinking that earth is the only planet with life is thinking like earth is centre of universe and sun and stars revolve around it.

7. Views on soulmates, karmic partners, twin souls and twin flames

Ans: We would better refer you to experts on this topic. Do your own research. refer to this expert

8. Views on parallel universes and multiple dimensions.

Ans: Yes, both parallel universes and multiple dimensions do exist, just to multiply the options a Soul has to experience various aspects of love and what is not love. Multiples Storylines, Different Ending to the Play, but same actors.

9. Links to few relevant books, quora authors and videos.


  1. Only Love is Real, Many lives many masters, same soul many bodies – from Dr Brian Weiss
  2. Journey of souls, Destiny of Souls – from Dr Newton
  3. Your Soul’s Plan , Your Soul’s Gift, Your Soul’s Love or Wisdom of Souls – From Robert Schwartz
  4. Wisdom of the council – From Sara Landon

Youtube Channels:

  1. https://www.youtube.com/@NextLevelSoul
  2. https://www.youtube.com/@ChannelingErikOfficial

Quora Authors:

  1. Irina Nola
  2. Richard Martini
  3. Tom Moore

10. FAQ

Ans: https://whatisgod.org/faq/